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                                  HNET RELAY SERVICES
 1  HNET Node Lookup           Query HNET node routing data              User ID.. : IBMUSER
 2  RELAY INFO                 RELAY Services Overview                   Time..... : 
 3  Sudoku                     Endless Sudoku                            Terminal. : 3278A 
 4  Airport Arrivals           Arrivals ETA for any IATA airport         Date..... : 
 5  Airport Departures         Departures for any IATA airport           VTAM ID.. : LCU002
 6  FAA Information            FAA airplane database query               Language. : ENGLISH
 7  Wine Reviews DB            Wine reviews database query               Appl ID . : ISR
 8  Online Thesaurus           Online Thesaurus query                    TSO logon : ISPFPROC
 10 Real Time News             NPR news                                  System ID : MVT28
 11 Stock Query                Stock information [temporarily disabled]  MVS acct. : ACCT# 
 12 Energy Market              Query the US Dept of Energy oil DB        Release   : ISPF 8.1/v15.00
 20 Movie Reviews              Movie reviews from rotten tomatoes      
 21 UNIX commands              Examples of almost all UNIX commmands   
 PP Search PPP                 Query US Federal PPP recipient database    
 RN Random                     Atmospheric Random Numbers Generator    
 OR Orbit Calc                 Earth orbital simulator                 
 AB Abend Codes                Search for ABEND codes or problems                   
 VS VSAM Codes                 VSAM return codes search                             
 CI CICS Codes                 CICS error codes search                              
 SB Search BITNET              Search historical Bitnet/LISTSERV       
 SZ Search z instructions      Search z architecture instructions      
 AR Search archives            Search historical Bitnet archives      
 VI Moshix videos              Search Moshix youtube videos with links 
 MI MIPS tables                Search historical IBM mainframes MIPS tables 
 MA IBM Computers              Search list of all IBM computers ever made   
 NM Netmask calc               Calculate netmasks and see affiliated info   
 GR Repositories               List of mainframe related Github repositories
 BR Breakweb!                  A fun game running on IBM z/OS on a z15      
 ND Nightdriver                A driving game on z/OS on a z15              

 Option ===> ___________________________________________________________________________________
  F1=Search  F2=Logon  F3=About RELAY  F8=SBOM Management  F9=RELAY Services F10=Nodes
  F11=What is NJE  F12=About BITNET   F13=Virtual1403